Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hello sisters of the 2nd ward Relief Society! Welcome to our blog! Save this blog to your bookmark bar so that you can come back with one little click! If you have a Mac, find the plus sign on the bar above. Click on it now and save to "Bookmark Bar". If you have a PC, or anything but a Mac, add to "Favorites". Great! Now, in this blog, you will be able to share ideas, recipes, view the calendar of events, learn about move-ins and outs, and new babies...pretty much everything you've had in the newsletter. Make sure you come back for updates and new inspirations!! We love you all!
Your Relief Society Presidency


  1. This is great. Thanks for taking time to set the blog up. Now I can keep up with what's happening in RS.

  2. Love it! Can't wait for you to teach the rest of us to start a blog:-)
