Our new parenting class has begun.
Children: The Challenge by Rudloph Dreikurs
Here is the current schedule, as we progress through the book we will continue to schedule more classes
Class 2: Chapters 4-7 Taught by Kathy Foster March 2 7pm at the Foster home.
Class 3: Chapters 8-11 Taught by Megan Purcell March 23 7pm at the Purcell home
Class 4: Chapters 12-14 Taught by Rachelle Poulsen April 6 (tentatively) at Poulsen home.
Class 5: Chapters 15-19 Taught by......any takers?? call me :)
Try and read the chapters before class, but if you haven't PLEASE don't let that stop you from coming. And as extra incentive I will bring yummy treats too :)
I am really excited about this class and hope your are too. If you ordered a book through me, call me so we can get them passed out. I have all but 6 books.
They should be arriving this week though.
Any questions please give me a call - rachelle p.